Filing Form N-400: A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for U.S. Citizenship

Filing Form N-400: A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for U.S. Citizenship

If you’re an immigrant who wants to become a U.S. citizen, one of the first steps is to fill out Form N-400, which is the Application for Naturalization. The form is used by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to evaluate your eligibility for U.S. citizenship. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of filling out Form N-400 and highlight some of the most important sections, including the list of countries abroad and days abroad.

When filling out Form N-400, it’s important to provide accurate and complete information. USCIS uses the information you provide on the form to determine your eligibility for U.S. citizenship.

One of the sections on Form N-400 asks you to list all of the countries you have lived in or visited since becoming a lawful permanent resident (LPR). It’s important to be as complete and accurate as possible in this section, as USCIS may use the information to verify your physical presence in the United States.

Another important section on Form N-400 asks you to provide information about the number of days you have spent abroad. To be eligible for U.S. citizenship, you must have been physically present in the U.S. as an LPR for at least half of the five-year period immediately preceding your application. This means you must have lived in the U.S. as an LPR for at least 2.5 years.

To help you keep track of your days abroad, we have created a Citizenship Tracker app that makes it easy for you to track your travels and ensure you meet the eligibility requirements for U.S. citizenship. The app allows you to keep a record of your travels, both in and outside of the U.S., so you can be confident that you have the necessary days of physical presence.

When filling out Form N-400, you should also be prepared to provide information about your work history, education, family members, and any criminal or immigration-related violations. USCIS may also ask you to provide additional documents, such as your birth certificate, marriage certificate, and military discharge papers.

After you have completed Form N-400 and gathered all of the necessary documents, you will need to submit your application to USCIS along with the appropriate fees. USCIS will then review your application and schedule an interview with you. The interview is an opportunity for you to discuss your eligibility for U.S. citizenship with a USCIS officer and to provide additional information, if necessary.

In conclusion, filling out Form N-400 is an important step in the U.S. citizenship process. By providing accurate and complete information, including a list of countries you have lived in or visited and the number of days you have spent abroad, you can help ensure that your application is processed smoothly. And with the Citizenship Tracker app, you can easily keep track of your days abroad and be confident that you meet the eligibility requirements.